One Pound At a Time.

One Pound At a Time.

Jan 2nd 2025

Beginning of Sept I made the choice to get my shit together and start making smarter decisions in losing weight. I was knocking on that 255 window and feeling like shit after most events, it was starting to take its toll mentally and physically. As of today 6 weeks later I’m down 15 pounds. 238 as of this morning. My short term goal was 240 pounds before cup, and we’ve got 2 weeks still. Long term is getting back towards 200-210 range. Want to be a skinny bear in the snake again. I haven’t done anything crazy. I haven’t been doing any insane work outs. Just making better small daily habits. Just 6 weeks of better choices. Cutting out fast food, take out, little to no sugar, little to no soda. Smaller portions when I do eat, cutting back on boozing. Eating smarter things. In taking a lot of water. Making small steps that are compounding to help achieve results over time. I will start getting workouts and all that bullshit in soon, just not motivated enough right now. I didn’t get fat over night and I’m not going to get skinny either overnight either. Like all things, one step at a time, progress is progress, and a mile is a mile no matter the pace it’s ran in.